Recent trends in scientific publishing, and its evaluation criteria, Arab impact factor as a model, Report on a symposium which held at Development of University Education center, Assiut University

Arab impact factor as a model

  • Gamal Ali El-Dahshan Professor of “Foundation of Education", and the former Dean, College of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt.
Keywords: scientific publishing, evaluation criteria, Arab impact factor


Abstract: The paper Shows a presentation of the symposium of Development of University Education Center of Assiut University, which was held in the month of October 2019 under the title of modern trends in scientific publishing and its evaluation criteria Electronic publishing and publishing in platforms and open sources, its evaluation criteria and the Arab influence factor and its role in evaluating and classifying the Arabic production published in Arabic remained. The presenters were Prof. Dr Mahmoud Abdel-Ati, And Prof. Dr Gamal Ali El-Dahshan. The symposium Director was Prof. Dr. Omar Sayed Khalil Director of the Center for the Development of University Education, Assiut University.

 Key words: scientific publishing, evaluation criteria, Arab impact factor as a model


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How to Cite
El-Dahshan, G. (2019). Recent trends in scientific publishing, and its evaluation criteria, Arab impact factor as a model, Report on a symposium which held at Development of University Education center, Assiut University. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 3(1), 489 - 502. Retrieved from
Conferences Reports