Academic acceleration is an introduction to educating the gifted in the age of artificial intelligence

  • Mehany Mohamed Ibrahim Ghanaiem
Keywords: Academic Acceleration, Giftedness, Talented people, Artificial Intelligence


Gifted people are a group of people whom God has bestowed   with  abilities, skills, and preparations that are superior to other peers. Talent grows and flourishes when it is cared for and nurtured.  Despite the West's interest in talent and gifted people, Arabs and Muslims took precedence in caring for the gifted and taking care of all their affairs from an early age, through the stages of education, rehabilitation, and ending with graduation and participation in various activities of life. In the era of artificial intelligence, the need for attention and care for the gifted increases due to the many changes that have occurred and are still taking place in all aspects of life, foremost of which is education. Hence, it is no longer acceptable for the gifted student to learn and move from one educational stage to another in a traditional way, like other peers, hence the importance of acceleration. Academic as an entry point to educate the gifted, invest in their creative abilities, and create opportunities for creativity and innovation so that they can participate effectively in community service and environmental development. Hence, this study aims to present the concept of academic acceleration as an important entry point for gifted education in the era of artificial intelligence.


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Author Biography

Mehany Mohamed Ibrahim Ghanaiem

Prof. Dr. Mehany Mohamed Ibrahim Ghanaiem

Professor of Educational Planning and Economics of Education, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Reporter of the Permanent Scientific Committee for the Promotion of Professors and Assistant Professors (Fundamentals of Education and Educational Planning) The Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, Education Foundations. Egypt.


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How to Cite
Ghanaiem, M. (2023). Academic acceleration is an introduction to educating the gifted in the age of artificial intelligence. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 6(02), 39 - 60. Retrieved from