Developing the Teacher Education Program in Arab Countries

  • Ahmed Alsayed Abdel Hameed Moustafa Professor of Mathematics Education, College of Education, and former Vice President of Minia University. Egypt
Keywords: Teacher Education, Developing Program, Teacher Education Program.


This Paper aims to present a proposed scenario for developing teacher preparation programs in some Arab countries through studying the reality of the teacher education program in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, where the researcher tackled the reality of the teacher preparation program from various aspects and came out with conclusions from both countries. The proposed scenario of the teacher Preparation program includes proposal general principles, objectives, and structure of the teacher education program at the general education stages suitable for the Arab countries.


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How to Cite
Moustafa, A. (2018). Developing the Teacher Education Program in Arab Countries. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 1(2), 191-211. Retrieved from