The requirements of applying Lean production in Egyptian Universities.

  • Mohamed Abdel Salam Mohamed Mahmoud El Balshi An expert teacher in the Directorate of Education in Damietta Governorate,
Keywords: Continuous improvement, problems of Egyptian universities, lean approach in Egyptian universities, lean approach, added value


Abstract: The study resulted in suggesting set of mechanisms to apply the Lean production approach in Egyptian universities, including legal requirements, organizational and human criteria requirements, financial needs, leadership requirements, application team needs, process selection requirements, and evaluation requirements.

The study recommended that the Egyptian universities should eliminate the traditional concepts of the management methods of the university and the inflexible traditional ideas. It should also adopt modern management approaches that will maximize the benefit of university operations by waste elimination and continuous improvement.

The possibility of Lean production application in the Egyptian universities is a function of providing the supporting leadership of the change process, continuous improvement, and the selection of the good qualified leadership that has the conviction of the importance of continuous improvement and development

In the meantime, the leaders of Egyptian universities should identify and benefit from the experiences of the universities that have applied the approach of (Lean production) successfully. They also should understand that the application of the Egyptian universities to the Lean production approach would achieve excellence and quality of its all operations.

Key words: Continuous improvement, problems of Egyptian universities, lean approach in Egyptian universities, the waste in Egyptian universities, added value.


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Author Biography

Mohamed Abdel Salam Mohamed Mahmoud El Balshi, An expert teacher in the Directorate of Education in Damietta Governorate,

An expert teacher in the Directorate of Education in Damietta Governorate, 

معلم خبير بمديرية التربية والتعليم بمحافظة دمياط. مصر،


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How to Cite
El Balshi, M. (2018). The requirements of applying Lean production in Egyptian Universities. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 2(1), 267 - 328. Retrieved from