Microlearning: Quick and Meaningful Snippets for Training Solutions
Abstract: Advances in information technology coupled with the changes in society are creating new paradigms for training. Training “snippets” can be viewed as cost-effective programs that serve as quick and meaningful training. We categorize “snippets” into “informational snippets” and “instructional snippets.” Informational snippets can be used to provide quick information to target audience whereas instructional snippets can be viewed as learning objects which actually used to teach something. We see the use of both types of snippets as reinforcing agents for the training world. Snippets can be used as cost-effective, quick and stand-alone training solutions and also as add-ons to existing training solutions. Based on the types of content, learning styles of target population and the institutional capabilities of an organization, effective strategies for training delivery and a high return on investment can be developed using the Flexible Learning Framework. The realistic and pragmatic design approach used in this paper comprehensively reviews all phases of the training snippets development process in the light of critical issues encompassing the eight categories of the framework. By using this approach, organizations can receive recommendations for adjustments of funds and allocations of resources. The outcome of well-designed meaningful, low-cost, reinforcing snippets contribute to the successful change of behavior and performance improvement for trainees.
Key Words: Microlearning, Snippets, and Training Solutions
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