An investigation into the relationship between meta memory, anxiety and depression among University students.

  • Ali M Shoeib Professor of Mental Psychology, College of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt,
Keywords: meta memory, anxiety, depression, university students


Abstract: The study aimed at investigating the relationship between meta memory, anxiety and depression among university students. Sample consisted of 500 of College of Education students, Menofiea University, of both sex (61 males and 436 females) with mean age of 23.9 years and standard deviation 3.59. The study modified the Meta memory scale by Troyer and Rich (2019) and the Anxiety inventory scale by Beck,1989. Depression was measured by Beck Depression list modified by Abdelkalek (1996). Results showed reliable and validity scores of the research tools. Also, subscales of meta memory were significantly correlated to each other and significant correlations obtained between meta memory subscales with anxiety and depression.

Key words: meta memory, anxiety, depression, university students


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How to Cite
Shoeib, A. (2020). An investigation into the relationship between meta memory, anxiety and depression among University students. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 4(1), 57 - 86. Retrieved from