Pictorial Model: The Secret of Singapore's Pupils' Excellence in Mathematics

  • Rdea Mosaad Elsaid Asar Professor of Mathematics Education, Damietta University, Egypt
Keywords: Pictorial Model, Mathematics Education, Singapore, Excellence in Mathematics


The research aimed to introduce mathematics education researchers, mathematics teachers and developers of mathematics curricula in Egypt and the Arab world with the secret of excellence of Singapore students in mathematics and how they come at the top order in the international study of the trends of science and mathematics education every four years. This secret lies in a number of communities, school, family and classroom models, the most important of which is the pictorial model, which offers magic solutions to any mathematical problem. Problem solving is the center or focus of mathematics education as it involves acquiring and applying mathematical concepts and skills in a wide range of situations involving real-world problems, open-ended and non-routine problems. The Singaporean model is used to solve verbal problems where the student identifies the main information in the problem in a pictorial model that includes units in the whole figure of rectangles and the information and the unknown is indicated in the problem to be solved on the pictorial figure and through the figure the process or calculations to be used are clarified and the problem is resolved.


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How to Cite
Asar, R. (2021). Pictorial Model: The Secret of Singapore’s Pupils’ Excellence in Mathematics. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 4(3), 35 - 84. Retrieved from http://www.iafh.net/index.php/IJRES/article/view/302