The Effect of Applying Software Engineering Principles on Web-based E-learning platforms Development Process
Recently, E-Learning had been concentrated all over the world to achieve better educational experience. In Libya, e-learning now, in the improvement phase, so that, e-learning platforms development should be focused. In this study, the effect of software-engineering application to the platforms based on web for the educational purposes. The Platform is implemented using HTML,CSS, PHP and JavaScript., by MYSQL, database is designed, based on Incremental-model, to investigate the effect of platform development based on software-Engineering on the performance of students. This would be implemented by analyzing data by SPSS, data would be collected form secondary school in Libya through a questionnaire, the number of study population was (20) students and (20) teachers. Results have presented that developing platform based on soft-engineering could improve the students' performance, however, other factors should be taken into consideration to develop the entire e-learning system and take advantage of the software-engineering application to develop e-learning platforms.
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