The Dark Tetrad, Moral Disengagement, Boredom Proneness and Cyberbullying for University Students "Relations and Intervention"
The research aimed to examine the correlations between cyberbullying and the dark tetrad, moral disengagement, and boredom proneness. And verifying the effectiveness of a selective counseling program in reducing the level of the dark tetrad of personality, moral disengagement, boredom proneness among university students. And the continuity of the effectiveness of the selective counseling program during the follow-up period. The basic sample consisted of (510) male and female students selected from the students of Al-Arish University, and the experimental and control sample consisted of (20) male and female students, whose ages ranged between (19-21) years, with an average time of (20.25), and a standard deviation of (0.722), and the following tests were applied: the cyberbullying scale prepared by: (Doane et al (2013), the dark tetrad scale prepared by: (Paulhus et al (2020), the Moral Disengagement scale prepared by Detert et al (2008) The Boredom Proneness (Struk et al (2017). The results of the research resulted positive, statistically significant relationships between the dimensions of cyberbullying and each of the Dark Tetrad, Moral Disengagement, and Boredom Proneness, and the effectiveness of selective counseling therapy in reducing psychopathy and sadism, distortion of consequences, useful comparison, and boredom proneness among members of the experimental group, and the continued effectiveness of Selective counseling program during the follow-up period.
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