Innovative Teaching Strategies for the Digital Generation

Cross-Learning Strategy

  • Saleh Mohammed Saleh Professor of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Arish University, Egypt,
Keywords: Cross-Learning Strategy, Teaching Strategies, Innovative Teaching Strategies, the Digital Generation


This article is part of a series introducing the Cross-Learning Strategy as one of the innovative teaching strategies for the digital generation. The aim of this article is to present the criteria for developing learning strategies in light of modern developments, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a significant shift in the education landscape. It highlights the advantages of these strategies and provides a definition of the Cross-Learning Strategy, its educational philosophy, the significance of cross-learning, the justifications for its use, its benefits, and the implementation of this strategy in teaching. The article also offers recommendations to overcome any difficulties or challenges that may arise during its execution.


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How to Cite
Saleh, S. (2024). Innovative Teaching Strategies for the Digital Generation. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 8(1), 59 - 84. Retrieved from