Translation pedagogy

the missing component in Translation studies in the Arab world

  • Antar Solhy Abdellah Professor of English Curriculum and Applied Linguistics, College of Education, South Valley University, Egypt.
Keywords: Translation pedagogy, foreign language teaching methods, translation curricula, translation studies


Abstract:  This article discusses the pedagogical role of translation and its relationship with methods of teaching foreign languages. Translation in education has a long history in foreign language pedagogy. Translation was the only method -along with grammar- that was employed in foreign language classrooms. This long-established relation between language pedagogy and translation was then attacked after the 18th century and translation was accused of hindering good language use. It was claimed to impede the process of understanding and linguistic thinking. However, translation regained its status within language teaching methods recently through the approaches of cognitive psychology and the universal grammar. The article also reviews the evaluative role of translation as a testing technique for measuring translation skills and assessing proficiency in foreign languages. Translation is also a school subject that needs special to be taught through special teaching techniques. In order to so, translation skills  are deconstructed to sub-skills on the kernel levels. The article also reviews the different  approaches to designing translation curricula. It is concluded that the educational role of translation should appear clearly in the contemporary endeavors to establish Translation Studies as an independent and differentiated discipline that should be hosted in an independent university department separate from departments of foreign languages. The study program for this department should thus include important aspects of translation pedagogy and field-oriented training.


Keywords: Translation pedagogy, foreign language teaching methods, translation curricula, translation studies.


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How to Cite
Abdellah, A. (2020). Translation pedagogy. International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences., 4(1), 87 - 108. Retrieved from